Damp Specialist Glasgow | Signs of Rising Damp

damp specialists glasgow

If you think you have damp, then you need to get in contact with a damp specialist Glasgow. Damp can have adverse effects on your health as well as your home and should not be ignored.

Tide Marks and Damp Staining

Tide marks can happen both inside and outside of the house. These are caused by evaporation of salts from the ground. They can occur anywhere up to 1 meter above the skirting board, and it extreme cases, even further.

If you notice these tidemarks, then this is a very tell-tale sign of damp. They are usually yellow/brown in colour.

Peeling Wallpaper

Peeling wallpaper is another obvious sign of damp in your home. It will most likely become loose around the skirting board at the corner first. The wallpaper will usually be turned or curved up.

Decayed Skirting Boards

Just like many types of damp, rising damp can rot timber in your home. Skirting boards are usually the first wood to rot in your home. If your skirting board is cracked, crumbles easily or has localised fungus growing out of the sides. Damaged or flaky paint is also a sign of rising damp.

Salts Within the Plaster

White, fluffy deposits of salts in the plaster are another sign of damp in your home. This happens when salts are washed out of the bricks because of the moisture that is causing the mould. This can cause patches of blistering on your walls.

Black Mould

Noticeable black mould on your skirting boards are a clear sign of damp. Particularly if there is no black mould anywhere else in the property. Black mould normally occurs from the skirting board to up to 1 meter above it.

Other Obvious Signs of Damp

There are many signs of damp, other obvious signs include;

  • If you think there is damp, run your hand over the area. A crunching sound – made by the salts from the brickwork – may occur under wallpaper if you have damp.
  • If it is possible, look at the exposed surface of the brick/stone work to see if there are salts forming and to see if the brick is wet.

In Need of Damp Specialists Glasgow?

If you have any of these signs of damp, then don’t delay. Find and call some damp specialist as soon as possible. Damp can be a huge problem and can lead to more than unsightly walls and a horrid smell. Damp can lead to a multitude of health issues, especially if you suffer from asthma or repertory problems.

A damp problem will likely not go away on its own and will just continue to worsen as time goes on. Preventative measures may need to be put in place to fix the problem and stop it from coming back. This is why it is essential to contact damp specialists Glasgow.